Dear authors,
Serbian Journal of Public Health is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes articles from all fields related to public health, in Serbian and in English.
The Journal has a long history of publishing domestic and international expert and scientific papers, first in the field of experimental medicine and infectious diseases, and subsequently on significant achievements in the field of social medicine, hygiene, epidemiology and health information systems.
The Journal publishes the following types of articles: original scientific papers, review papers, preliminary and brief statements, case reports, reports from scientific meetings and congresses, editorials and letters to the editor.
We would hereby like to invite you to publish your unpublished original work in our Journal.
Since public health encompasses a wide range of scientific fields, by publishing their research in the Serbian Journal of Public Health, the authors will have an opportunity to share their results with a wide audience. Editors of the Journal will endeavour to ensure prompt review and timely information on article acceptance for publication for the submitting authors.
We hope that you will lend us your trust and give us the honour of publishing your research in our Journal, so that we can jointly contribute to the Journal's main mission, which is to improve research, policies, practices and education in the field of public health.
Editors of the Serbian Journal of Public Health